⬤ 01. Challenge

Seabreeze Church had an unsecured children's ministry space disconnected from the main sanctuary and didn't serve the church's growing needs. Church leadership longed to develop a new and secure engagement children's ministry environment.

⬤ 02. Solution

In collaboration with Visioneering Studios architecture & construction, Enviropop developed an immersive environment design to engage Huntington Beach kids.

The team proposed an innovative plan that consolidated all kids from birth through 5th grade into a straightforward building that connects to the main sanctuary via a courtyard. This design approach solved the disconnection problem and allowed for a seamless flow between different areas of the church campus.
In addition, designers provided interior and exterior concept design incorporating a sophisticated west coast California vibe. The design did not rely on typical beach graphic designs. Instead, it focused on creating an impressive, cohesive look that would incorporate God's beautiful creation of the water. This attention to detail helped create a space that parents and kids could enjoy, representing Seabreeze Kids well.
⬤ 03. Results

Enviropop, in collaboration with Visioneering Studios, developed an inspiring plan to exceed Seabreeze's expectations and stayed on budget.

The innovative design leveraged seamless graphic treatments to connect the distinct areas of the kids' ministry. Enviropop created a sophisticated west coast vibe that resonated well with parents and kids.
From the 3D entrance to the check-in design and bathrooms, the kids had a well-designed space to call their own that really popped.

Visioneering helped us design the Kids Building to meet our ministry needs. The building communicates that we value families, making it easy for new families to check in and creating a welcoming and engaging environment for kids. The building's security and transparency blend allows parents to drop off their toddlers and preschoolers with ease. The Kids Building encourages our church to invite more families, resulting in roughly doubling our Sunday attendance. The building's layout enables us to monitor rooms without interfering with instruction, making it easier to lead and train volunteers. Additionally, the building provides a single point of entry, making it easy to monitor and ensuring the security of the entire building.

Ethan Johnstone

Family Pastor

environmental design, experiential design, branded design, interior signage
experiential design, branded design, interior wall design, enviropop by Visioneering Studios
experiential design, branded design, exterior signage, enviropop by Visioneering Studios
branded design, wayfinding, directional signage, enviropop by Visioneering Studios
branded design, enviropop by Visioneering Studios
branded design, wayfinding, directional signage, enviropop by Visioneering Studios
environmental design, experiential design, branded design, interior signage, interior wall design, enviropop by Visioneering Studios

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